Permanent Residence
Work Permit Status
Permanent residence can be applied for in Namibia after a person has had ten years of legal status in the country. There are several applications that fall under permanent residence. Legal status of 10 years means either you have been on a work permit for ten years, you have been married and have your Certificate of Identity for 10 years or you have been on a study permit or temporary residence permit for 10 years. Another application is also by naturalisation.
TIME FRAME: 180 days from date of application
Please note that requirements can be changed without notification. Please contact us for further information.
Certificate of Identity Status/Marriage
Permanent residence can be applied for in Namibia after a person has had ten years of legal status in the country. There are several applications that fall under permanent residence. Legal status of 10 years means either you have been on a work permit for ten years, you have been married and have your Certificate of Identity for 10 years or you have been on a study permit or temporary residence permit for 10 years. Another application is also by naturalisation.
TIME FRAME: 180 days from date of application
Please note that requirements can be changed without notification. Please contact us for further information
Permanent residence can be applied for in Namibia after a person has had ten years of legal status in the country. There are several applications that fall under permanent residence. Legal status of 10 years means either you have been on a work permit for ten years, you have been married and have your Certificate of Identity for 10 years or you have been on a study permit or temporary residence permit for 10 years. Another application is also by naturalisation.
TIME FRAME: 180 days from date of application
Please note that requirements can be changed without notification. Please contact us for further information
By Descent
Citizenship can be obtained in Namibia after ten years of legal status. Currently you can obtain citizenship through naturalisation, permanent residence status for ten years and through marriage/certificate of identity status or by descent.
TIME FRAME: 180 days from date of application
Please note that requirements can be changed without notification. Please contact us for further information.